Knowledge and Resources
Bank account and currency transfer in France

As your mortgage instalments will be debited from an account by Direct debit, you will need to open an account with a bank in France. Bluesky Finance can help you find a suitable retail bank and the right package for you.
Save money on your international transfers
Bluesky Finance has teamed up with Moneycorp to save you money on international money transfers. Whether you’re buying property overseas, emigrating or sending money to friends and family, Moneycorp can make sure your money gets to where you need it at a great rate, for a low fee and with all the help you want.
By using Moneycorp you will benefit from:
• Bank beating exchange rates
• Fast online money transfers 24/7
• Free expert guidance at the end of the phone
• Safeguarded customer funds
Sign up FREE and save money today with Moneycorp. Registering with Moneycorp only takes a few minutes – it is completely free and carries no obligation to use the service.
Open a free account here